What Prevents Our Blessings?
We do... How? By listening to the lies of the Devil. By believing what he says more than what God says. Our battle is not with flesh and blood it's with principalities and darkness (Ephesians 6:12). We need to KNOW the enemy's tactics so we can recover ourselves from his snare (2 Timothy 2:24-26).
Know Your Enemy
We have to know the truth about our enemy. 2 Timothy 2:24-26 says that we can KNOW THE TRUTH so that we can RECOVER OURSELVES from the enemy's hands! If we didn't know what he was up to we would just be fighting the air (Acts 11:6). Did you know that when you practice forgiving and loving you are keeping the enemy from messing with you? What does 2 Corinthians 2:11 say? It says, "Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices." This passage says that people who love, forgive, comfort one another, and confirm their love is not going to be messed with by the enemy. We are to know that loving and forgiving is fuel against the enemy's plot against us. We won't be ignorant any longer of what he is doing. We won't be taken unaware! So we HAVE to know our enemy. Hebrews 5:14 says that a matured Christian knows the difference between good and evil. How can we be free of something if we don't even see it is there? We shall know the truth, and the truth shall make us free (John 8:32).
The buttons to the right are just that "buttons." For more on "buttons" pick up my book called, "Buttons of Self Worth." Many of these buttons mess with our nature and character! These are the enemy's traits. When we see them working in our lives, we have the opportunity to do something about them. Often many of us deal with these areas daily. Well I hope that you will learn the TRUTH that will make you free! What if I told you that you don't have to fall in these areas any longer? What if I told you that temptation isn't sin? It's sin when we act on them. Jesus was tempted when Satan tempted him on the mountain. But Jesus responded with the TRUTH. He didn't FALL into temptation. He WAS delivered from evil. But as humans, we are tempted and we can fall. But the amazing thing is, when we fall, we have an advocate, JESUS, to pick us up and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. The enemy can NEVER repent and be restored. He blew it for eternity and now he's working at getting you to blow it too! And on top of it, get you to "believe" that you cannot be restored. Get you to "believe" that God does not love you. He is getting people to simply doubt God and try to be self-sufficient! Getting people to believe they don't need God at all. Doubt and Unbelief is his method of operation, which he does through fear. Hell was not created for us. It was created for Satan and his minions. Take back your life by recognizing these things, repent when you fall prey, and be restored. A righteous man may fall but he gets back up! Why? Because we have Jesus to cleanse us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9; 1 John 2:1) "Be not weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap if we faint not" (Galatians 6:9). The only reason we may faint is because we are allowing ALL THESE THINGS to weigh us down. Get rid of these BUTTONS and you will no longer be oppressed by them. Forgive Your EnemyThe Bible says to forgive and love your enemies. Who is your enemy? Is it people? The truth is, it is what is INSIDE people causing them to mistreat us. We are to forgive our enemies, because they know not what they do. These are people who have been captured by the enemy. Satan and his minions are ruling in people's lives, and yes, even Christians! The very ones who say, "i don't need God" are the very ones the enemy is holding captive. The ones that say, "God doesn't love me" are the very ones the enemy has made to believe a lie. He ruined his life by trying to take God's place so now he is on this earth trying to get us to fall like he did by getting us on the throne of our lives. There is no good in him. John 10:10 says the THIEF comes to steal, kill and destroy. But... I love the buts... Jesus came to bring life and abundantly. We have to get a clear understanding on who our enemy is. We wrestle not with flesh and blood, but with principalities and powers in dark places (Ephesians 6:12). The enemy's nature and character are hiding in people's lives because he has taken them captive! That is why we need to forgive the people who are mistreating us because they are being captive by the devil. It is most miserable there for that person. 2 Corinthians 2:5-11 tells us how to deal with these kinds of individuals and why. Be sure to read that passage!!!
So, here is the truth! The only way the enemy has power over our lives is when we let him. He cannot create. He cannot make. He can only "lead" you into temptation. He can only mess with us if we have something in us to mess with. If every person took all our heart issues to the Lord, took responsibility for them, repented, and received forgiveness, you may find yourself at peace and free! The enemy cannot dwell in light! So if we are full of light - which is love and forgiveness, you will be free. |
Wiles of the DevilI have made a list of some of the things we face every day. These are SATAN's DEVICES to cause you to doubt God. To lose hope. To make you feel unloved. So by knowing these areas and how he works, you can better defeat him when he comes to tempt you to fall into them!