Principle 3 - LOVEThis principle is about God's Love. Without His love, we wouldn't have a Savior.
John 3:16 For GOD SO LOVED the World that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. This is the foundation biblical principle of the whole gospel! I was saved in 1977 but was tormented with anxiety and panic attacks resulting in many phobias. I was confused because I was supposed to be healed because "By His stripes I am healed." So why wasn't I healed? This caused more fear to come into my life. Why? Because the lack of love brings fear. God has not given us a spirit of fear but power love and sound mind. So where was the power and my sound mind? I was lacking the most important ingredient! Love. Perfect love casts out fear because fear has torment and anyone not being made perfect in love knows not God (1 John 4:8). And let me add here, know not God's love for them! Until I found this love, I was in torment. Until I learned to have a relationship with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost I was powerless. I had mental issues. I was in fear. When I learned about needing a relationship with all three of the godhead, with myself and others, it was the first step to my freedom. I also needed to learn how to acquire this. And as I continued studying and searching the Lord gave me the ability to share it with others. It all comes from love. Love overcomes anything. Love covers all. Love is greater than fear. Love, Love, Love. Many say, "I know God loves me." "Really?" I would ask. Because their fruit didn't demonstrate this. When we can admit that we need more of God's love in us, we are half-way home. Some say, "I already know about God's love, I want to go deeper." These individuals are being deceived. We have to continue to go deeper in God's love. Ephesians 3:18 tells us to KNOW the depth, height and breadth of God's love so that we can comprehend (understand) what is really going in us and around us. Do you ever question God? Do you ask Him why is this happening to me? Then you still have to grow deeper in His love for you. When you do, you won't ask these questions. You will just KNOW! Someone said one time, "We stop seeking what we think we have." Matthew 6:33 says to SEEK first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and all these things shall be added to us. That means we are to seek Him daily so we are daily provided for. If we have lack, what do we stop and do? We ask the Lord. He said we have not because we ask not. Many of you say, "But I do ask and nothing happens." There are conditions for receiving from the Lord. Do you have any blocks? Do you have any unforgiveness towards another. Men, do you love your wives? Scriptures say if you don't treat them well, even your prayers are hindered. Are you loving yourself? Do you have any accusations against God and how He's running the world? Do you fear? There are many many reasons a prayer is not answered the way we think it should be. But that doesn't mean we are to stop believing Him! I like how 1 Peter 4:12 says, "Why are you freiking out about what is happening to you? (my paraphrase of course). And it goes on to say REJOICE in it! Or how about James 1:1-3 says to count it all joy that you are going through this. It builds patience and character." (Again my paraphrase). I believe these times are opportunities to roll up our sleeves and stay the course. Not run to and fro! A double-minded man is unstable in ALL his ways and they won't receive anything from the Lord. We have to stay in that place of God's pure love. No matter what is going on! That's when you know you have grown up! That's when you know you have obtained the promises in this life. It doesn't mean we have "arrived" but we have what we need to now face every issue of the day without falling to pieces. Without doubt and unbelief. Without worry and fear! I hope this study web-site helps you see the truth so that you can recover yourself from the snare of the devil who is trying to take you captive at his will! (2 Timothy 2:24-26) When we truly get His love working in us, everything changes. Everything makes more sense. Even if we don't understand at the time, we have peace that passes all understanding (Philippians 4:7). We have what we need to love others. We can even love ourselves properly. We can even forgive properly. Forgiving is the next principle! But before going on, dive into the following links below. Again, we can get deep, but let's dive into His love.
For further insights and teachings on LOVE, pick up the Loving God book and Workbook. Many are using this for their personal and church Bible study groups. Join others in learning how to really love and be loved.