Let’s look at justification. The Bible says that God is Just. If this person doesn’t think they have been justified, they blame God here too. They demand justice for their pain! But not one can provide that justice, especially if a person’s pain came from long ago. (I’m not talking about illegal acts, I’m talking about relationships.) If a person feels unjustified, they are calling God a liar. Let’s just say it for what it is. The TRUTH sets us free. We need to see what we are thinking, we need to face what we are thinking, and we need to take responsibility for what we allow in that thinking from this day on.
Did you know that if this was a perfect world and this person’s “abuse” was justified by a court of law, and gratification was completed, this person would find something else to feel unjustified about? It will never end, because this spirit DEMANDS to be justified. The problem is, it never will!! It’s a spirit; it’s his nature and will do nothing else. This has to GO! This mentality has to stop!
A victim’s secret desire is to see those that have caused their pain suffer as they have. But that is completely contrary to how Jesus would have us respond.
Luke 9:54-56 “And when his disciples James and John saw this, (talking about people who did not receive them) said, Lord, would you command fire to come down from heaven and consume them? But Jesus turned to them and rebuked them saying, Ye know now what manner of spirit ye are of, for the son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them.” Jesus came to save men’s lives not destroy them. The very people that have victimized you are the same people God loves! The very people, who don’t agree with you, are those whom God has compassion for. AND when we desire to see bad things happen to those who we think deserves it, is coming from a “SPIRIT.” Jesus’ desires for all men is to be delivered, set free, healed as you. There is no respect of persons with God. All men are equal in His sight.
Luke 6:27-35 “Jesus said to love your enemies and do good to them, which hate you. Bless those who curse you and pray for them who use you. And if anyone hits you on the cheek, offer the other, and if any take away your cloak, give him your coat also. If anyone asks for anything, give it to him, and don’t ask for it back! But love your enemies and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again, and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest, for He is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.”
Jesus demonstrated in his own life how to respond to being victimized. I see that he was the most victimized of any person on this planet! Yet he didn’t “take on any sins!”
Jesus looked at every life as valuable. We too need to look at every life as valuable. I know why He asked us to love our enemies, as Luke 6:27-35 says, because He loves everyone and wants us to love everyone.
At His last breath He said, “Father forgive them for they no not what they do.” He loved and forgave the very ones who committed Him to death! And here we are, not willing to stand anyone who says an unkind word!
We need to come to terms that justice only comes from God, and whose to say what that justice is for them? So you need to lay all that aside, cast those thoughts of “revenge” out of your mind, and begin to live as Jesus taught. He wants you to love those who are hard to love. Forgiving those who you think shouldn’t be forgiven. He knew that by doing this, you save both yourself and those around you from much heartache and pain.