We offer information for your use to help you learn what the possible spiritual roots and blocks are that could be preventing things in your life. We are not doctors, but we are ministers sharing what scriptures say. We often reference medical community and find that many of what they are discovering is paralleling what the Bible has said all along. Let's start by describing what a Spiritual Root is:
What is a Spiritual Root?What is a root? It is the first offense taken in a particular situation that plants a seed of "error" that begins manifestations to appear with or without you knowing it. They are planted in us as we go through life and if we go too long without reconciliation, the latter can destroy our lives, emotionally, physically and spiritually. By identifying these roots, we are well on our way to deliverance! Once we have identified these roots, we may still need to look at any blocks that may also be preventing us from living an abundant life.
What do the scriptures say? I reference them with comment: