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Self-Paced Web-TeachingsThe teachings deal with a variety of issues that can happen in a person's life. This includes exposing anything in us that is not representing God's nature and character and what we can to do about it if anything. As we discern what is in our own heart, it brings us one step closer to our freedom. Jeremiah 5:25 says, "We prevent good things from happening to us because of our sins and iniquities." The truth is, we have been forgiven of all our sins when we accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior. 2 Peter 1:9 says that we have forgotten that our old sins are forgiven. So the problem is not that we are forgiven, the problem is that we have not received forgiveness. We can know Jesus died for our sins and became the Savior of the World, but is everyone saved? No. Because they have to "receive" Him. We often say the truth will make you free. But sometimes you remain in bondage because you haven't "received" the truth that makes you free. So, when you see something in you that is not of God, stop right then and take it to Him in confession and receive forgiveness for restoration. 1 John 1:9 says that if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to cleanse us of sin and purge us from all unrighteousness. Allow Him to begin working as you go through these teachings, don't wait until the end to confess what you see, do it at the moment you see it. Confession is not for God, confession is for us so we are restored to God! These are areas that I have personally received insight into. I do not teach anything that I have not received a breakthrough revelation on. I am still learning and growing and so will add links as that happens. But if you want me to teach on a specific topic, please let me know and I'll be happy to look into it for you! Just use the contact form on the navigational bar above. Personal Account: A friend of mine came to me while putting this page together and said they left very uncomfortable and hurt from our last visit. He didn't say anything to me until this day, and it had been over 2 years! Since then he had cancer and other things. He let himself be filled with pain. And when we talked about it, what he had believed all this time was not what happened at all. We cleared the air and all was restored. But if he would have come to me at the onset... his last 2 years may have been different! I don't know, and I don't take any blame because I didn't know this was going on in his life. That is why WE HAVE TO TAKE proper steps in getting our relationships resolved. The Bible is clear that we are to lay down our offering at the altar and go reconcile to our brother THEN offer the offering. It's quite important to God, it should be important to us. It could be a matter of life and death. See, bitterness is a death sentence. It gets rooted and defiles everything and everyone! And if it sits long enough in our heart can destroy us too. (Hebrews 12:15) Note: The teachings provided have been developed based on my own personal experiences as I combined what the Holy Spirit has taught me personally and from other ministries. If you read something that doesn't make sense or you don't quite understand, that's okay, set it aside and continue on. As the saying goes, "Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater." Receive those things that are clear and put the rest aside, it may be that the very next page brings your breakthrough. Then drop me a line so we can clear up any misunderstandings. The enemy wants you to get confused so that you don't receive!! But keep going. Contact me no matter what and let's get this resolved. If we hold things back we are again being manipulated by the enemy and will lose our peace. More Teachings:For teachings on Pride, Anger, Fear, Rejection, Accusations, Control and Manipulation, Dread, Guilt and Condemnation, Victimization, and Religious Spirits go to "KNOW YOUR ENEMY" because these are his wiles! Ways he can get you to agree with him to act like him. His goal is to get you separated from God, yourself and others. By knowing his wiles and living in our authority, we can be restored on all levels and remain restored and free.